As the gun-control issue rages on – and rest assured, friends, it is raging on – gun-grabbing criminals tell one contrived or fabricated lie after another,...
With all the disturbing information that is being revealed regularly, it is difficult not to become an extremist or a conspiracy theorist. Discerning the truth from...
Recently I spoke to a friend who had just returned from a trip to see his family in Greece. I asked about what had been in...
Two days ago [August 19] on his radio show, Mark Levin, the “Great One” as he has been tagged by his good pal and fellow Cromwellian...
Dietrich Bonhoeffer is a clergy member who sounded a warning: Silence in the face of evil is evil itself. God will not hold us guiltless. Not...
This week I received my official “Truth About Republicans Survey” from Speaker of the House, John Boehner. In the opening line Mr. Boehner informs me that...
Here we go again, another useless e-mail requesting we “Click here” to “Blast Fax” Congress requesting they defund Obamacare. Does anyone think Congress cares about or...
This week Mark Levin provided a lightning rod to movement Conservatives. He lent credibility to the “alternate” amendment process. While this issue is not new, it...
For many months now we have listened as Mark Levin, Sean Hannity, Glenn Beck and many other conservative talk show hosts banter on and on about...
Barack H. Obama has gone through two inaugurations as President of the United States. Each time the Chief Justice, intoning the oath of office, called him...