Presidential electors often confuse those who study the Constitution for the first time. Most people never hear or see the phrase until they vote for them....
The Constitution of the United States has been in force longer than any similar instrument in the world. Yet our government often does not run as...
Governor Chris Christie pulled Republican strings yesterday, and the Democrats cut the lines. Today, many Conservatives are grateful that New Jersey’s Puppet Master’s nominee for the...
A three-judge panel rejected New Jersey’s Obama eligibility challenge within twenty-four hours of hearing oral argument.
The New Jersey Obama eligibility challengers went to court yesterday. The result was a setback for them and an embarrassment for the court.
…where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is liberty. [2 Corinthians 3:17] Freedom and independence from government intrusion has been a battle for mankind from...
The Obama eligibility case might break wide-open. Concerned citizens in Arizona flood the offices of the Secretary of State and the Attorney General every day. Meanwhile,...
Dear Mr. Glenn Beck, You have been opening your nightly show on GBTV with the statement “The network you are building”. In a sense you are...
A court enjoined the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) yesterday, even as the House prepares to pass another version of it.
An Arizona official asked Hawaii to verify the Obama’s birth certificate. Obama eligibility activists in Arizona and New Jersey took heart.