“The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy.” -John 10:10 I was humored this week with the “scary” interview that the state-controlled media put...
Therefore have I hewed them by the prophets; I have slain them by the words of my mouth: and thy judgments are as the light...
Associated Press (AP), one of the largest and most trusted sources of independent newsgathering, reported “Israeli house strikes killed mostly civilians.” It reported 247 airstrikes (bombings)...
This month, former Mayor of New York City, Rudy Giuliani said, “I do not believe, and I know this is a horrible thing to say, but...
Several months ago TPATH reported on the rise of Islamic terrorism around the world and the danger every country faces as the Islamists grow in strength...
Just when everyone’s attention has been directed toward ISIS and some of the most despicable crimes ever committed, and our government is loathe to war with...
Hey you Christians, get off your high horse! Your great (X48) grandparents committed the same sins as today’s Muslims during the Crusades. So our president told...
You can get people to do anything with the use of fear. -Congressman Jim McDermott after September 11, 2001 The mainstream media continually pushes fear,...
Radical Islamists have no limits when it comes to destruction and the taking of human life. They are motivated by a religious doctrine which requires...
January 29, 2015, was Hijab Day at NP3 High School, in Sacramento, California. One student who is interning for the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) gave...