During the 2016 Presidential election, a number of Christian personalities began making a comparison between the ancient Persian King, Cyrus, a heathen king who God used...
C-Span has a dedicated propagandist program that reaches millions of viewers. It works on the basis of having the viewing audience call in, vilifying Israel or...
Politicide: The attempted murder of the Jewish state. By Victor Sharpe. (Lulu Press, 2018)
“A people may be unprepared for good institutions, but to kindle a desire for them is a necessary part of the preparation.” John Stuart Mill so...
According to Rabbi Matis Weinberg, Amalek should be regarded not only as the sworn enemy of Israel, but of memory. Because Amalek is the enemy of...
Many Israeli politicians, judges, academics, and journalists suffer from what I call the Pharaonic syndrome. We see this pathology most clearly in the pages of Exodus...
There they go again, threatening to wipe out Israel, “…We will level Tel Aviv to the ground and will not give any opportunity to Netanyahu to...
Knesset member Ayoub Kara, who represents the Druze community, is a member of the Likud Party. Referring to how he has been abused by Arab MKs...
Editor’s Note: this article first appeared on 21 January 1994. Prof. Eidelberg intended a direct legal challenge to the Israeli-PLO or “Oslo” Accords. Yitzhak Rabin, of...
Let’s begin with a brief definition of moral relativism and show how it affected Supreme Court rulings in the United States as well as in Israel.