The Arabs residing in Palestine, a small group of the Arab people, who have been named “The Palestinian Arab People” by the Soviet dezinformatsiya1 claim political...
The decision on whether the Arabs or the Jews have sovereignty over all of Palestine west of the Jordan River under International Law is res judicata,...
Dr. Walt Brown, nearly three months ago, announced an astronomical fix for the Global Flood. When he did that, he provoked the precise sort of debate...
Yesterday the scandal involving the Internal Revenue Service broke wide-open. Angry members of a key subcommittee (including half its Democrats!) took turns denouncing the agency and...
The IRS scandal grows by the hour. Every hour shows more proof that the Internal Revenue Service behaved badly, and always has. But people aren’t looking...
The Internal Revenue Service (IRS) has always targeted conservative groups, pro-Israel groups, and groups seeking to improve America. Now its activities are a public scandal. But...
The Boston Marathon bombing story, or at least those parts of it that might suggest who did it, has changed radically. As a result, the people...
Fresh perspectives arrive every week on the new toys the Department of Homeland Security is buying. That includes 1.6 billion rounds of ammunition and 2,717 Iraq...
The Transportation Security Administration (TSA) is America’s first line of defense against another Nine-eleven Incident, or worse. At least, that’s what they want you to think....
Yesterday the UN Palestine vote finally took place. Everyone knew how it would turn out, years ahead of time. So now the UN calls Palestine (whatever...