Two of the finest institutions of higher education in the United States, Columbia and Cornell, have been identified as leading the list of “most anti-Semitic,” as...
Winston Churchill defined Mein Kampf as “the new Qur’an of faith and war.”[1] Consistent therewith, Haj Amin al-Husseini, the notorious former Mufti of Jerusalem, declared, “There...
Back in the mid-nineteenth century Jews in America created the Board of Delegates of American Israelites to help impoverished Jewish immigrants.
Israel needs, more than anything else, an authentically Jewish foreign policy. To get that, she needs an authentically Jewish Prime Minister.
Various Jews in Israel, especially those committed to Jewish law and the restoration of he Jewish people’s title to Judea and Samaria, are being deprived of...
The Torah tells us that Abraham was extremely old and that Sarah was beyond child-bearing age. Indeed, the Talmud says she had no womb! Rabbi Akiva...
If Israel can’t get an authentic Jewish prime minister, let’s at least get a prime minister with proper manly fortitude. And I don’t mean a new...
The University of Missouri has been the location of several anti-Semitic acts that the president, Tim Wolfe, appeared reluctant to address. The final vile act, which...
As the twentieth century drew to a close, pundits glowed over the end of totalitarianism and the inevitable march of democracy. The collapse of the Soviet...
Is self-hatred a psychologically tenable concept? Isn’t self-hatred inconsistent with self-love, surely a most fundamental human instinct? Stated in Freudian terms, self-hatred contradicts the id and...