The two plaintiffs in the 15-count pro se lawsuit against the health care reform bill filed a motion for default of appeal today. They did this...
A recent video upload has many thinking that Operations Gunrunner and Fast and Furious are the same. They aren’t—but one led to the other.
The government’s response in the Third Judicial Circuit over the health care reform bill reached a new level of absurdity yesterday. In so doing, it gave...
The Casey Anthony case reveals the monumental hypocrisy of a society that decries the death of one child but condones the deaths of millions. Those deaths...
The question everyone will ask is how will the ruling in Thomas More Law Center, et al. v. Obama, et al., case number 10-2388 affect our...
The phrase natural-born citizen has created confusion and controversy. But President Barack H. Obama and his friends know what it means. And after trying to make...
When in the course of history it becomes necessary for citizens to join together to restore the foundational principles previously established to govern them, these people...
The New Jersey Assembly yesterday passed a Senate bill to force New Jersey to stay in RGGI, but not with enough votes to override a veto.
In a news conference today, a reporter asked President Obama about whether he supported same-sex marriage. He said that DOMA (the federal Defense of Marriage Act)...
A new Tea Party caucus has formed in New Jersey. Tea Party activists hope that the major parties will pay attention and listen to them.