Do you wonder why so many “peaceful” protests end up in violence? One year after police officer Darren Wilson shot and killed a black teen in...
Hillary Clinton inherited some (not all) the “slick” quality of her husband. Bill Clinton, when an attack comes, turns on the charm. Hillary Clinton appeals to...
I am not a politician or public figure. I am one of many Americans whose property is under assault by government, (NJ state) that thinks it...
If Barack Obama is animated by any persistent ends (or world view) that shape his political acts (or tactics), it’s a combination of thinly veiled hatred...
I recently read the story of the “An Appeal to Heaven” flag, its history and the important philosophical concept behind it. Most of us don’t even...
Once upon a time, a long time ago, it was an unusually dark night amongst many dark nights. There had been continuous days of rain and...
“History repeats itself, and that’s one thing wrong with history. Or right with history!”
Same sex marriage is not simply a perversion, one that can be traced back to the Paganism of ancient times, of the Canaanites.
“To consider the judges as the ultimate arbiters of all constitutional questions; a very dangerous doctrine indeed, and one which would place us under the despotism...
Mention slavery to any American and visions of captured Africans shackled in chains and suffering every kind of abuse known to man comes to mind. While...