In 1970, Alvin Toffler shocked the world with his vision of the future. Two years later, the great radio artist Orson Welles narrated a 43-minute short...
Bob Beckel, the irascible founding co-host of Fox News Channel’s The Five (M-F, 5:00-6:00 p.m. ET), lost his job yesterday. Or at least, Fox News Channel made...
Many recognize that the character and nature of the country we love is breathing its last breath. A good argument can be made that the despotic...
British recognition of Palestinian statehood corresponds to British appeasement of Nazi Germany, which recalls the adage, plus ça change, plus c’est la même chose: The more it...
Has the United States Supreme Court turned completely into a rogue court? Do they now break their own rules, and hold themselves above the law? If...
Two years ago, CNAV looked at whether totally private roads could connect everyone. CNAV took this on after someone complained that “in the Ayn Rand world,” no one would...
“No matter how paranoid or conspiracy-minded you are, what the government is actually doing is worse than you imagine.” So says William Blum at the United...
A three-judge appellate panel today unanimously upheld a Texas law to set safety standards for clinics that offer abortion. As a result only eight abortion mills...
Last night Governor Chris Christie of New Jersey had some bitter words for his likely rival, Senator Rand Paul (R-Ky.). He said those words at a...
“Patriot Act” and your evil twin “USA Freedom Act”: R.I.H.* where you belong! The Patriot Act was not put into place to protect you; it’s there...