Muhammad is the role-model of Muslims, hence of Barack Obama, who proudly calls himself a Muslim. How curious, since Muhammad was a warlord, whereas Obama coos...
There is widespread misunderstanding about the rule of law in Israel.
What does the foreign policy of the mellifluous Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and the virtually incoherent teleprompter President Barack Obama have in common?
“Guilt,” writes Ben Hecht in Perfidy, “does not make a politician outcast, whether he’s Jewish, British, or Nazi, for the politician is never guilty as a...
An incendiary atmosphere of hatred, divisiveness, intimidation and lies is filling today’s schools across America, with 73% of Jewish students admitting they’ve experienced some sort of...
The so-called Palestinian people is simply a cunning and colossal hoax. The hoax was fabricated by wily Muslims – masters of the art of dissembling (taqiyya)...
The terms Right and Left have been bandied about ever since the French Revolution. Use of these shibboleths to damn individuals or groups or to avoid...
Two of the finest institutions of higher education in the United States, Columbia and Cornell, have been identified as leading the list of “most anti-Semitic,” as...
Winston Churchill defined Mein Kampf as “the new Qur’an of faith and war.”[1] Consistent therewith, Haj Amin al-Husseini, the notorious former Mufti of Jerusalem, declared, “There...
In his “Epistle to Yemen,” Maimonides tells us how the nations have tried to destroy Israel. He prefaces his analysis by saying “God has made us...