Many Israelis are disappointed in PM Benjamin Netanyahu’s lack of dynamic leadership. True, they surmise that Isaac Herzog of the Labor Party and Tzippi Livni, founder...
Winston Churchill defined Mein Kampf as “the new Koran of faith and war.”[1] Consistent therewith, Haj Amin al-Husseini, the notorious former Mufti of Jerusalem, declared, “There...
Despite 9/11, world-wide Muslim terrorism, and the serial bungling of the self-professed Muslim President Barack Obama, it was reported on September 11, 2016 that 60 percent...
Talks between Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, a Jew, and Palestinian Authority leader Mahmoud Abbas, a Muslim Arab, give rise to the subject of “cognitive dissonance.”...
Forwarded message from a savvy rabbi on the Jewish New Year: Healthy, happy and a peaceful New Year to all JEWS in the entire world.
Contrary to the erroneous and pernicious “dictum” pronounced by Binyamin Netanyahu at the March 1992 Likud Convention, when he was elected the Likud’s chairman:
If you consider what has held center stage in the media of Israeli Democracy during the days of Yasser Arafat, and if you juxtapose that personification...
Back in 1985, I wrote an article on Zbigniew Brzezinski for The Intercollegiate Review. Before citing some of the more relevant passages of that article, it...
The prophetic signs that we are living in what has been termed the “latter days” or “end times” seem to be erupting all around us. Pulpits...
“All European life died in Auschwitz”, by Sebastian Vilar Rodriguez (February 14, 2006) (Translated into English from an article in a Spanish newspaper)