If you would know who controls you see who you may not criticize. – Tacitus It has been a week of weeks concerning the assaults...
In one her best articles, “Our Estranged Generals” (April 4, 2016), Jerusalem Post journalist Caroline Glick writes: “Our generals are not on the same page as...
The Nihilism (involving moral relativism) that contaminated higher education in America begins with the early 20th century flood of European philosophy in American academia. Most influential...
What happens when outlaws control the government? John Locke told us: “Where the Law Ends, Tyranny begins!
Earmark – “To mark, by cropping or slitting the ear.” Webster’s 1828 Dictionary
Muhammad is the role-model of Muslims, hence of Barack Obama, who proudly calls himself a Muslim. How curious, since Muhammad was a warlord, whereas Obama coos...
Hardly any present-day political analyst dares say that the decadence of the current presidential debates in America is a reflection of Democracy, a form of government...
What does the foreign policy of the mellifluous Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and the virtually incoherent teleprompter President Barack Obama have in common?
“Guilt,” writes Ben Hecht in Perfidy, “does not make a politician outcast, whether he’s Jewish, British, or Nazi, for the politician is never guilty as a...
A society whose citizens refuse to see and investigate the facts, who refuse to believe that their government and their media will routinely lie to...