Those involved in the tea party movement sing the song of limited government but continually seek to remedy of loss of liberties through pushing for more...
As we watch and listen, day after day, week after week as more and more lawmakers, both national and on the state level, write and support...
This past week, once again, the illegal President, oblivious to the damage he might be doing to those parents and siblings who have suffered losses, displayed...
The producers of the two Atlas Shrugged movies made it official this week. Atlas Shrugged, Part 3, will release to theaters next summer. The producers face...
Yesterday’s posting “Obama Can Be Stopped” (reprinted here) has elicited quite a response. Hundreds of emails were in support. A few were not. It is a...
Twitters, emails, Facebook pages and cell phones were ablaze with fear and trepidation this past weekend. The clocks read 11:45 am, as the left began slithering...
Senator Dianne Feinstein (D-CA) finally had a colleague bring her up short on how much she knew about the Constitution. In answer she said, “I am...
The ethics case against Senator Robert Menendez (D-NJ) didn’t go away last month, and is bubbling up again. A grand jury in Miami is investigating whether...
Democracy becomes a government of bullies tempered by editors. – Ralph Waldo Emerson Today’s state-run media gives us knowledge of what is going on in America...
If anyone here in New Jersey still has any doubt that the Republican politicians in this state are any less progressive and ignorant than the Democrats...