The Iranians now admit to shooting down Ukrainian Airlines Flight 752, most probably by mistake. The wider contexts shows a very unstable country.
Killing General Soleimani was a right act because his nation was at war with America. But America would have fewer problems by withdrawing from the field.
Did the administration strictly follow the rule of law in killing Qasem Soleimani? The summary nature of the operation raises important questions.
Afghanistan was an unwinnable quagmire from the start. Everyone involved in this debacle knew it and did it anyway, at a frightful cost of life.
Did Trump really withdraw from Syria, or is he posturing? He would have good and sound reasons to posture and not want to say all he...
The Kurds face attack yet again after President Trump removed U.S. troops from a hot zone. Should Israel now defend the Kurds, as they have before?
Jewish people took an out-of-context pre-WWII prayer and embraced the left. Now the left has turned on them, in America and worldwide.
The official story of the drone attack on Saudi port facilities points to one enemy only: Iran. But who might benefit from lying about that?
The United States withdrew from the INF treaty and ostensibly blamed the Russians. But China, not Russia, is the real target.
Insanity means doing things that make no sense, except for a very dark motive. Examples of insanity abound in US military history.