Barack Obama sold Obamacare to the public, the Congress, and the Congressional Budget Office with a pack of lies. The law would never work in a...
During the Roman Empire epoch, the masses would gather behind the Emperor Caesar and they would throw rose petals behind his feet as he passed. He was loved and adored. Spate...
In 1880, he was noticeable. Dressed in long coat and top hat, his one hand wielded a magic wand punctuating the elixir in the other. His...
We see that this administration, along with the state-controlled media, is relentless when it comes to lying to the American people in an attempt to sway...
The residual fallout from Tuesday’s national elections has begun to clear from the air and has settled nicely into the Socialist Democratic apparatus temporarily clogging up its anti-American machinery, hopefully enough to slow...
The Supreme Court today granted certiorari to four Virginia residents appealing the way the federal government hands out subsidies for Obamacare. The Court did this after...
Senator Mary Landrieu, Democrat of Louisiana, still has an active campaign. She faces a runoff on December 6. This usually happens in Louisiana’s “Jungle Primary” that...
Reagan had his 11th commandment: “Thou shall not speak ill of any Republican.” However, Reagan meant this only to apply to party politics and not the...
The results of Election 2014 shocked everyone. Last night the American electorate gave de facto President Barack Obama the worst reprimand of his career. They also...
Senator Jeanne Shaheen (D-New Hampshire) talks a good game about fighting for liberty. She has to. New Hampshire puts “Live Free Or Die” on license plates....