The news rings with tales of the most obvious kind of voter fraud: registering to vote when the law does not allow it, or standing in...
This fall, the Texas Voter ID law will take full force and effect. The Supreme Court voted, six to two, not to stop it. The usual...
In a world with an “us versus them” mentality, it’s always “them” that are the problem… right? We’re never the cause of our own troubles, that...
Most Democrats running for office or especially for re-election, do not want Barack Obama to campaign for them. They say so. Today another class of Democrats...
The Mayor of Houston, Texas finally attacked the First Amendment, in several ways, as never before. In one measure she threatened at least four and maybe...
Freedom has a taste to those who fight and almost die, that the protected will never know. – written on the wall of a POW...
Over the past 5 years this country has endured some of the most outrageous, incompetent, racially divisive, unbelievably stupid and downright incomprehensible actions that even the most cynical among us could...
Ebola, Obama, incompetence. People will remember these three words together long after Obama leaves office. Obama has blundered badly at every stage of the Great West...
Our Founders’ experience with a government that had exceeded its logical, moral, and spiritual authority greatly influenced the Constitution they would eventually design. In our Declaration...
In the past two years, the child-protective service agencies of three states have each tried to turn one or two children, having rare genetic disorders, into...