The Philae probe settled into deep sleep in her shaded resting place on Comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko. But before she slept, she sent back information on her most...
The Democrats, from Barack H. Obama down, suddenly never heard of Jonathan Gruber. Or did they? Sorry, but we have too much video footage, not only...
For far too many people and for far too long, the Democratic Party has managed to fool their voters with spurious concerns about safety, health and...
The grand paradigm conventional “men of science” call “evolution” promotes sin and death. In fact, evolution allows no room for the concept “sin” as the Bible...
A good communist finds use for everything, and nothing is more useful than a useful idiot. – Russian revolutionary and propagandist Vladimir Lenin Over the...
Jonathan Gruber, Ph. D., knows far too much for the comfort of either Democrats or establishment Republicans. On Monday (10 November) the activist group American Commitment...
Evolution has its defenders. Atheists obviously defend and propound evolution. They wield the “Trident” (uniformitarianism, abiogenesis, and common descent) to skewer Christianity and promote their view...
The day after last week’s election, when I started hearing the reports of a “Great Republican Victory” – not only in D.C., but across the land...
The GOP tsunami that swept through the halls of Congress on November 4th purged the people’s house of some of the trash but not all of...
After the great Scopes Monkey trial circa 1925 the world eased back and decided that scientists and forensics would continue to carry the ball about origins....