It’s settled after reviewing all the facts! Governor Chris “Blunderbuss” Christie, took a long hard look at scripture, and the psychological medical data, and to the...
To Governor Chris Christie of New Jersey: your signing of a new law banning the treatment of homosexual tendencies is a grave mistake. You rely too...
As the gun-control issue rages on – and rest assured, friends, it is raging on – gun-grabbing criminals tell one contrived or fabricated lie after another,...
With all the disturbing information that is being revealed regularly, it is difficult not to become an extremist or a conspiracy theorist. Discerning the truth from...
Recently I spoke to a friend who had just returned from a trip to see his family in Greece. I asked about what had been in...
Two days ago [August 19] on his radio show, Mark Levin, the “Great One” as he has been tagged by his good pal and fellow Cromwellian...
Dietrich Bonhoeffer is a clergy member who sounded a warning: Silence in the face of evil is evil itself. God will not hold us guiltless. Not...
This week I received my official “Truth About Republicans Survey” from Speaker of the House, John Boehner. In the opening line Mr. Boehner informs me that...
Here we go again, another useless e-mail requesting we “Click here” to “Blast Fax” Congress requesting they defund Obamacare. Does anyone think Congress cares about or...
This week Mark Levin provided a lightning rod to movement Conservatives. He lent credibility to the “alternate” amendment process. While this issue is not new, it...