Fresh off his last Conservative bashing, Sunday morning TV appearance, Colon, oops, Colin Powell the single biggest hypocrite in American politics, has once again shown the...
The first burglary to result after The Journal News published and mapped all the gun owners’ addresses in two New York counties has now happened. Worse...
The centuries-old office of sheriff might still save America from sliding into tyranny. Today an activist explained that at a bimonthly meeting of the Constitution Party...
Last week, the two sides of the gun control debate drew their battle lines. This week, the government made clear what it wants: your guns. Keeping...
Congress did not avert the “fiscal cliff.” This government went over that cliff long ago. The numbers, when you read them, tell the tale.
Those who plump for gun control often make a statistical case for it. They try to show: more guns, more crime, more deaths. They cannot show...
In days past it was said that the hand that rocks the cradle rules the world. This was a truism based on the understanding that mothers...
Gun control has always been about people control. The Framers of the Constitution understood that. Too few judges and “experts” understand it today.
Gun control is the new Obamacare. The putative President plans to push as hard for it as he did for socialized medicine four years ago. (And...
Over the last many decades the world has seen, over and over again, like a “Groundhog Day” nightmare, people of this earth, assist, support and even...