Operation Fast and Furious went to a further level today. Specifically, a US congressman threatened the Attorney General with impeachment.
Science fraud occurs much more often than scientists, or their apologists, want to admit. And scientists do not police each other well. If this problem affects...
Will an Iran war break out soon? Who will fight them? Israel? America? Britain? Iran is clearly preparing to defend herself—or to attack.
Regular readers of this site know that a recent article on the 80 whale fossils of the Atacama Desert set off a firestorm of controversy. The...
Like many of you, I have bought into the idea that our current president is a smart and shrewd politician. After all, how many politicians could...
The 2011 political environment has coined a few new phrases that aptly fit the elitists that occupy our government. It would be nice to attribute these...
The new “detention law” that passed the Senate on Thursday has many wondering whether the Constitution still protects Americans from abuse of power.
Another plant connected with the Iran nuclear program blew up this week. Was that an accident, or sabotage? And who might have done it? If it...
The desert whales of northern Chile highlight another, more-enduring mystery: seashells on mountaintops. How did they get there? Whoever can answer that riddle can explain much...
It’s that time of year again—for the Running of the Lists. Not for children. For merchants.