Earth is unique in the cosmos as a harbor of intelligent life. A secular science writer admits this and describes what makes Earth special.
It’s laughable to read what the enthusiastic Republican establishment and progressive left want you to believe about their fair-haired boys, Mitt Romney and Chris Christie. Fact:...
Ron Paul gives people many reasons to recommend him or to decry him. But to judge him properly, one must argue honestly and thoughtfully. Many of...
Over the weekend, another witness came forward that can help everyone put Ron Paul and his life and career into proper perspective. Sadly, that perspective does...
On Creation Day 2, God called the “firmament” “heaven.” So says Genesis 1:8. Could the word that translates as “heaven” mean something else?
Is Ron Paul more winnable than before? He’s moving up, has better organization, and draws support from independents in the same year that many people are...
The Question Evolution campaign gained a new 13-year-old ally in the last twenty-four hours, just in time for Christmas. His new one-minute spot makes compelling viewing.
Ron Paul came under withering fire over some 20-year-old newsletters. But recent reports exaggerate their “racist” or “anti-Semitic” content.
In Creation Day Three, God finished what He began the Day before: shaped the earth’s crust to create oceans, and land for planting. This was not...
On Creation Day 2, God made a “firmament among waters,” to “divide waters from waters.” Where was this? Perhaps not in space, but on earth. But...