Find out just what any people will quietly submit to and you have the exact measure of the injustice and wrong which will be imposed...
Israeli prime ministers suffer from a pathological fixation on peace, pathological because this fixation is contradicted both by common sense and reason, as well as by...
Few people realized that former Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, once the most powerful leader of Shi’te Islam, declared war on the Judeo-Christian West by declaring his...
Dr. Michael S. Horton, of Westminster Seminary California, has never liked Donald Trump since he started to run for President. Yesterday he returned to the anti-Trump...
In our politically correct world, truth is often bullied into submission through intimidation and name-calling. Not only has this tactic proven to be divisive, it has...
The old concept of “world government” surfaced again in the last full week of 2016. It did so via the affinity of Barack Obama to the...
The Huffington Post’s headline, “Minneapolis Jewish Community Defends Rep. Keith Ellison against Anti-Semitism allegations,” indicated that Keith Ellison (D-Minn) was making his bid to head the...
Sometimes one’s most hypocritical enemies can suggest a clue to one’s own problems without meaning to. This applies most of all to the outgoing Obama administration,...
What is the center of gravity, hence point of vulnerability, of the Netanyahu Government, indeed, of any Israeli government? Answer: Israel’s democratic reputation.
“Terrorism is the best political weapon for nothing drives people harder than a fear of sudden death.” —Adolf Hitler