Once known as the Fourth Branch of government, the news media outlets in the United States have seemingly abandoned their mantle as the nation’s watchdog. They...
Taking nothing away from Donald J. Trump in regards to his insight and intelligence, it would not surprise even his most ardent supporters to find out...
The FBI are, without a doubt, sending the message of selective prosecution.
Money is a commodity that is known to be both a blessing and a curse. Many decent souls have compromised their integrity over the want of...
Last November many patriots were elated at the news that Obama was out and Trump was in. Some of us actually thought that Crooked Hillary and...
“When the law no longer protects you from the corrupt, but protects the corrupt from you, you know that your nation is doomed.” We have seen...
Gross Schechter Day School is a Jewish day school whose mission is to encourage “creativity, exploration and self-discovery” by stressing “critical thinking, personal responsibility and global...
Perhaps an unspoken truism is “Hypocrites you will have with you always.” While sinfulness is part of human nature, hypocrisy goes back to the Garden of...
A few days ago, I was directed to a YouTube video that prompted me to recall the danger, the un-constitutionality, and the uncivil nature of the...
“A nation that kills its children in the womb has lost its soul.” That is what abortion is.