93% of Muslims won't swear fealty to the Constitution. The reason: their foundational documents clash with the Constitution in several key particulars.
The President's 2020 budget cuts nothing but slows the rate of increase. The F-35 fighter illustrates the room to cut even the military budget.
In Virginia and other States, governors and legislatures are working to disarm the people. Thomas Jefferson called for a little rebellion now and then.
Politicians - and some judges - are now handing out licenses to illegal immigrants. This constitutes treason against the United States.
The impeachment of President Trump is key to a plan to bring in a new generation of unabashed socialists to take America over.
MK (formerly Aluf) Yair Golan is a retired general who acts like an American Democrat, throwing off on an opponent who wants what's best for Israel.
The proposed impeachment of President Trump is the worst kind of humanitarian hoax. The American people will not tolerate such political cheating.
Tax policy in America and various States has its basis in a false premise and an unconstitutional tax, agreed upon by 545 people who should know...
Antisemitism has reached a fever pitch in the persons of two new Members of Congress. Why do any Jews, even Democrats, give them a pass?
By all odds, the current Congress qualifies as the worst Congress of all time. Even the Second Continental was better than this.