My ministry set up a booth at the Minnesota State Fair August 22 – Labor Day, as we have been for several years. Within hours of...
Good question: who is supporting the Obama administration? Power is not only what you have but what the enemy thinks you have. – Saul Alinsky, “Rules...
The known propensity of a democracy is to licentiousness, which the … ignorant believe to be liberty. – Fisher Ames, architect of the First Amendment
The fact stands true that if you’re not careful, the media will have you hating those that are being attacked and loving those that are doing...
Compromise: An agreement between two men to do what both agree is wrong. – Lord Edward Cecil The American people are inundated on a daily...
Everyone who watches Glenn Beck on his internet show knows, he begins each broadcast by announcing, “Welcome to the Glenn Beck Show, the network you are...
Kermit Gosnell, MD, is today’s poster boy for abortion. Wanted poster, that is. Wanted for practicing his trade in the foulest way anyone can remember seeing....
During these past few days, following yet another act of terrorism having been perpetrated on the people of America, progressive talking heads, politicians and the news...
The Boston Marathon Bombing story broke wide-open during the night. The FBI seems to have identified—correctly—two suspects. The two shot it out with police, who killed...
The Boston Marathon Bombing story took a confusing turn today. And events did more than confuse some people. They frustrated some, and frightened others.