Democrats have flown into a panic, as they realize that, their false polls aside, they will lose. For with defeat will come fines and imprisonments.
Martha Mitchell gave warning about Watergate before it blew up. What happened to her is eerily similar to what is happening today.
The Michigan Supreme Court has spoken: Governor Whitmer cannot require masks. So why do nosy busybodies still play the enforcer?
Several Senators continue to bring the Senate into disgrace over its handling of Amy Coney Barrett's Supreme Court candidacy.
Insanity has taken over American political and legislative discourse. How else to describe the attacks on Trump and his nominees?
Silent killers can affect a body politic as well as a physical body. The American body politic has many silent killers trying to destroy it.
Burn your masks, says attorney Katherine Henry of Michigan, after the Michigan Supreme Court declared the governor's lockdowns unconstitutional.
Voter fraud is THE issue in the 2020 election. Now that all else has failed, the enemies of freedom are determined to rig the election.
If Joe Biden wins election, he will pack the Court and turn America socialist. During the debate he gave every indication of this.
Anthony Fauci, scientific plagiarist, drug profiteer, and collaborator in medical tyranny, now receives an honor from Time Magazine.