We've seen this vaccine drama once before - in the 1976 Swine Flu epidemic. Americans should not have let their government take them in again.
The CDC and other health authorities are publishing false vaccine statistics to isolate those who refuse it. In fact, many fewer people are taking it.
Vaccines are producing serious and sometimes fatal side effects. But you won't hear this from conventional media organs - or from authorities.
Vaccine passports are the ideal instrument of oppression: an internal passport for travel in-country. They are anathema to human liberty.
The time to trust vaccines is over, especially with the preparations ostensibly against SARS-CoV-2. They cause weakness and early, if not immediate, death.
Bill Gates, after creating a technological monster, got into the philanthropy game. But his brand of philanthropy is not "loving" at all.
Vaccine companies have always enjoyed immunity from liability or damages from side effects of their preparations. SARS-CoV-2 vaccines are no exception.
The new SARS-CoV-2 vaccine preparations do not have universal acceptance. Up to 75 percent in Israel alone intend to refuse them.
Bill Gates, who insists vaccine opponents "kill children," advocates vaccines with dangerous ingredients against a disease no worse than the flu.
Officials seeking control (or elimination) of the people lost the coronavirus narrative they created. All they have left is manipulatiuon.