On September 1, 2010, James Lee walked into the offices of the Discovery Channel and took three hostages. In four hours of “negotiations,” he demanded air...
The debate between creation and evolution became explicitly political last night. An incumbent Representative set that stage last month. He introduced, for the second time, a...
Since the close of the Bill Nye v. Ken Ham debate two nights ago (February 4, 2014: 9:30 p.m.), many creation advocates, besides Answers in Genesis,...
Two nights ago (February 4, 2014), Bill Nye (“the Science Guy”) and Ken Ham, director of Answers in Genesis, held their debate. The subject should have...
Tomorrow, Bill Nye, “the Science Guy,” will debate Ken Ham before a live audience and a live Internet stream. Subject: whether creationism is “a viable model...
Two days ago, the journal Nature published a shocking report. The dwarf planet Ceres has water vapor on it, and is actively releasing it. This finding...
Wisdom will not long hold a seat in the head of that man who yielded up his heart to folly. – Charles H. Spurgeon Recently we...
The Bill Nye-Ken Ham debate draws more interest with every hour, both from media and from the lay public. The latest hints from Answers in Genesis...
The great debate between Bill Nye (“The Science Guy”) and Ken Ham, head of Answers in Genesis, will play literally to a sellout crowd.
Last Friday (3 January 2014), Bill Nye agreed to debate Ken Ham on creation v. evolution. Now a columnist for a popular TV channel devoted to...