With all the disturbing information that is being revealed regularly, it is difficult not to become an extremist or a conspiracy theorist. Discerning the truth from...
Dietrich Bonhoeffer is a clergy member who sounded a warning: Silence in the face of evil is evil itself. God will not hold us guiltless. Not...
In ancient Greek, a crisis was a trial in a court of law. Today a crisis is anything that calls on someone to make a judgment....
(This lesson is based on Chapter 5 of The Light and the Glory, 2nd edition.) England soon sent settlers to the New World. Like the Spaniards...
Barack H. Obama has gone through two inaugurations as President of the United States. Each time the Chief Justice, intoning the oath of office, called him...
Texas is at it again. The Evolutionists are fighting to remove anything remotely connected to Intelligent Design or Creationism from the classroom by objecting to the...
Dr. Walt Brown, nearly three months ago, announced an astronomical fix for the Global Flood. When he did that, he provoked the precise sort of debate...
Since the Zimmerman/Martin case, racist issues have become a regular part of the news. Bill O’Reilly has repeatedly used his soapbox to scream about the disintegration...
When Columbus left on his voyage, he was the laughingstock of all royalty (except for Ferdinand and Isabella). When he returned, he was receiving personal invitations...
The situation at sea was not going well for Columbus. The crew members and the Pinzon brothers did not share his vision and therefore did not...