Must science always contradict religious tradition to stay valid? What happened to following evidence where it leads? Lawyers for a scientist who lost his job over...
Can a scientist lose his job for discovering something new and telling the community about it? It happened recently. And the scientist who lost his job,...
Global warming, (a/k/a climate change), is a peculiar tenet embraced by liberals. Although the modern liberal movement may think they are the founders of this movement,...
Forty-five years ago today, two men finished walking on the moon after two and a half hours. They then began the second most important part of...
Forty-five years ago, two men (Neil A. Armstrong and Edwin “Buzz” Aldrin) set foot on a different world. It was the greatest moment in the history...
Forty-five years ago this month, with even the days of the week aligning as they did, three men flew a mission called Apollo 11. All three...
Going to church doesn’t make you a Christian any more than going to a garage makes you an automobile. – Billy Sunday I remember when...
Irreducible complexity. That phrase gets a lot of attention in the creation-evolution debate, or the accident-design debate. As well it should. Irreducible complexity shows that life...
As the details about Common Core Standards (CC) are revealed, the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation (Gates) have emerged as the prime donor enabling the facilitation...
Exactly 45 years ago at the time of posting (Wednesday July 16, 1969, 13:32 UTC), Apollo 11 blasted off for the moon. At least one gaming...