With the events we are watching unfold in France and most all of the Middle East and the constant attacks on peoples of many other nations, there is much...
What was the purpose of the founding of these United States of America and the creation of our Constitution? Before the migration from Europe to this newly...
Please let us reason together for a few moments without respect to anything we may or may not be a member of, but just Americans who...
To the Staff of the Metropolitan Opera (the Met): During World War II, a violinist dressed in military uniform went to play for the servicemen in...
Yesterday’s posting “Obama Can Be Stopped” (reprinted here) has elicited quite a response. Hundreds of emails were in support. A few were not. It is a...
The Romney/Obama campaign reminds me of the good cop bad cop scenario. Consider the Obama administration over the last four years. It is hard to think...
Dear Mr. Glenn Beck, You have been opening your nightly show on GBTV with the statement “The network you are building”. In a sense you are...
I question why the CNSNews website won’t provide an online facility which allows web readers to contact them with a suggestion or comment box. From my...
Evolution rules in public schools today, and school instructors teach uncritical acceptance, not critical examination. A CNAV contributor suggests an alternative, one that challenges evolution on...