Everything has a breaking point. So reads the tag line in yesterday’s new release, Atlas Shrugged, Part Two. And this latest Atlas Shrugged movie shows what...
The movie 2016: Obama’s America (prod. and dir. Dinesh D’Souza; Rocky Mountain Pictures, 2012) showed surprising box-office strength last weekend. Box Office Mojo lists it as...
The Hunger Games (dir. Gary Ross; with Jennifer Lawrence, Josh Hutcherson, and Donald Sutherland; Lionsgate Pictures, 2012) came out on DVD, Blu-ray, download, and “video on...
As most of us know by now, 2016 has been showing only in limited locations and for very abbreviated time frames. It is not clear why,...
Atlas Shrugged, Part 2, will shortly go into production, The Atlas Society announced yesterday. It will release in October of 2012—squarely in the middle of the...
Many critics panned Atlas Shrugged, Part One as portraying things that could never happen in America. News flash: they can, and are.
The new Atlas Shrugged franchise will continue. The next installment will come next year—during the election campaign.
You are on a train making a wild run to a certain wreck. You try to stop it. Nobody is willing to help you. You can...
Atlas Shrugged (1957) broke the rules and got very bad reviews. So why is it so popular today? Atlas Shrugged – the strikes against it Ayn...