Fifty years ago this fall (8 September 1966), a new kind of science fiction television show had its premiere. Mr. Gene Roddenberry, who created it, did...
Of the many kinds of trains exhibited in Birmingham’s Wonderful World of Trains and Planes, in Birmingham, England, the only display in dispute was the model...
You Jews are always complaining of your own suffering, but you get fat off the poor, cheat the simple, exploit the virgin, pollute where you’ve...
The world lost two of the greatest acting talents who ever lived and worked over the last forty-eight hours. Robin Williams tragically strangled himself. Lauren Bacall...
Canceling the simulcast of The Death of Klinghoffer does not exculpate any of the personnel affiliated with the opera if the show will be presented on...
Elvis Presley is one of the original rock ‘n’ roll stars. He made millions in show business. While being interviewed on the air, he was asked,...
Let me make the songs of a nation and I care not who makes its laws. – Plato quoted by Grout, Donald J. A History...
Your God of Leviticus (and of the whole Bible) is clearly a sinful homophobic bigot. He should repent of his sinful homophobia… -The Late Radical...
The producers of the two Atlas Shrugged movies made it official this week. Atlas Shrugged, Part 3, will release to theaters next summer. The producers face...
Everything has a breaking point. So reads the tag line in yesterday’s new release, Atlas Shrugged, Part Two. And this latest Atlas Shrugged movie shows what...