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Flight 370: not a trace?



Flight MH 370 disappeared under circumstances similar to those of Flight QZ8501.

First and foremost it should be made very clear that TPATH has not been given any information regarding what has actually happened to Malaysia Airlines Flight 370 and its passengers.  But as all the information being bandied about and the talking heads yak and yak, it is a wonder why the very obvious has not been discussed.

Some are saying that a Boeing 777, one of the largest passenger planes in service, carrying several hundred people, baggage and hundreds of floating devices as well as specially designed tail sections would disintegrate into oblivion if an explosion occurred at 40,000 feet.  This is absurd.

To begin with for that massive an explosion to take place the entire cargo area and half the passenger area would have to be packed with explosives.   Even then the quick separation of the structure would prevent every solid particle to be turned to ash.  And if it were a missile even the most potent one could not prevent a massive debris field spread across miles of ocean or jungle.

Flight 370: Hijack?

The Boeing 777, the aircraft type for Flight 370. Did a plane like th is disintegrate into vapor?In my estimation, with all the facts as we have been given them, and understanding that no one should consider believing anything any government says, the only possible scenario is that Flight 370 did not crash. It did not explode in mid air. It was hijacked and landed somewhere in a prepared location.

Here are some facts we have found out that some may not know:

  1. The Boeing 777 does have pretty secure cockpit doors, but not impenetrable.  The correct amount of pressure in the right place would do the trick very quickly.  Boeing has decided that a video system which monitors the doors from the passenger cabin would give the pilots ample time to prepare for an assault.  This may prove to be a huge error in judgement.
  2. Several times during many flights food and beverages are brought to the pilots.  A well planned assault on the cabin would be fairly simple to employ.
  3. Civilian airline pilots flying into China (and many other countries too) are not permitted to be armed.  That would be one less problem a hijacker would need to worry about.
  4. Land based radar systems can track aircraft flying at high elevations.  A plane can rapidly descend below the “sight” of radar systems.
  5. If this airline had a GPS system that sent continuous signal to a receiver its exact location would be known at all times.  That system, as far as we could find, is not utilized by Boeing.
  6. If personal cell phones and other communication devices are the subject of disintegration or sitting at the bottom of the ocean, they tend to stop sending signals.   A few were still signaling as late as yesterday. (This according to Mail Online. – Ed.)

As we all know now, the passenger list and the passengers actually on board do not jive.  Iranian connections have been made with several others involved.  Can there be any doubt that plane was swarming with Islamic terrorists?

As the entire world knows, terrorists don’t crash planes and let the world believe it was just an accident.  That serves their purpose in no way.  People need to be terrorized for terrorism to work.

This appears to be a very well planned and important terror campaign.  It would have involved months of training and planning, building of or securing a landing site.   Here is how this could have been pulled off.

  • Sufficient numbers of Islamic terrorists connived to get on this flight.
  • A landing zone would have been prepared possibly an old or unused airport where the runway could have been extended.
  • At the proper time, the cockpit was stormed and the pilot and copilot quickly overwhelmed.  The door could have been physically breached or the time chosen when food or drink was being delivered.
  • The unarmed pilots would be removed, even killed and a terrorist pilot takes the chair.
  • In the passenger cabin the other terrorists take control of the people and confiscate their communication devices.  A few brave people, even under death threats, did not turn their’s over.  Hence the few signals that did not stop immediately.
  • The terrorist pilot, he would need to be very well trained and very proficient, would take the plane on a fast and dangerous descent to evade ground based radar.  This would be very harrowing as the airline would need to be taken to just a few hundred feet, or even less, above the surface of the ocean.
  • The plane would land at the designated location, more terrorists on the ground would secure the passengers.  Hidden cell phones would then be found at an extreme cost to those who hid them.
  • The black box would be found and destroyed, all of the aircraft  communication  systems would be powered down.

If this is what happened, is this kind of planning going to get enough bang for the buck if the object is to collect ransom for them and the plane?  Maybe, but doubtful.  And that is why the people are not being told what they must know is happening.  The passengers could be sold for ransom but they also just might be expendable.

If this plane were loaded with radioactive material and explosives it could become the most devastating dirty bomb imaginable.  It could render a major capital city useless for hundreds of years and could kill millions in the process.

Have a nice day everyone.

Reprinted from Tea Party Advocacy Tracking Hub

Editor’s Note: Today, at 3:00 p.m. EDT, Shepard Smith, on the Fox News Channel, quoted Malaysian authorities as uttering that word hijack for the first time. The key piece of new evidence: Flight 370, though it was below civilian radar, was still high enough for military radar. And Flight 370 was far further west than it was supposed to be before even the military radar controllers lost it.


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[…] Flight 370: not a trace? […]


‘Can there be any doubt that plane was swarming with Islamic terrorists?
Is there any proof that there were any Islamic terrorists involved let alone that the plane was ”swarming with them’?
The two people allegedly traveling on stolen passports appear to be refugees FROM an extremist Islamic state; unlikely then to be ‘Islamic terrorists’.
At this stage speculating that the plane was hijacked by ‘swarms’ of terrorists, Islamic or otherwise, is about on a par with speculating that it has been sucked into another dimension by aliens from the planet Wombat.

Terry A. Hurlbut

“Swarm” is a relative term. The full intentions of the two apparent Iranians traveling on stolen passports are unclear.

What’s clear is that now even the Malaysian military is using the English word H-I-J-A-C-K to describe what might have happened to that airliner.


Of course you’re quite correct in saying ‘..the Malaysian military is using the English word H-I-J-A-C-K to describe what might have happened to that airliner.’ The operative word here I would suggest is “might”. At the moment it’s all speculation without any evidence.

Terry A. Hurlbut

But without evidence to the contrary, either. Seek whom the crime, if crime it be, would profit.

Fergus Mason

“But without evidence to the contrary, either.”

True, but by the same logic do you have any evidence that it wasn’t eaten by bees?

Several decades of experience with hijacked aircraft tells us that we’d have heard from the hijackers by now. As for the idea of it being converted into a dirty bomb and used in a terrorist spectacular on a major city, forget it. Anyone who understands what IFF is would reject that idea in a heartbeat, because it’s ridiculous. As soon as that plane’s squawk appeared on any radar screen there would be fighters in the air heading for it, with live missiles under the wings.

Fergus Mason

“Can there be any doubt that plane was swarming with Islamic terrorists?”

Sorry, I laughed so much that I think a bit of wee came out.

[…] Dwight Kehoe listed several relevant facts we knew about Flight 370 two days ago. They included relatives and friends […]

[…] this minute, a 777 Boeing airliner is most likely being packed with high explosives and radioactive material bound for a non-stop […]

Fergus Mason

Well, the mystery isn’t exactly solved, but the plane has been approximately located. It’s down in the southern Indian Ocean with no possibility of survivors.

[…] Note: See also the reprint of Mr. Kehoe’s article here, and my editorial […]


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