Guest Columns
The Democrats’ Abandonment of the Jews
The Democratic Party practiced abandonment of the Jews beginning with FDR. After a brief respite, this is again their policy.

In 1984, David S. Wyman, a professor of history at Amherst College, published The Abandonment of the Jews: America and the Holocaust 1941–1945, in which he documented the degree to which leftist icons like President Franklin Delano Roosevelt were presented with irrefutable evidence of Jewish genocide yet did nothing to stop the mass murder of six-million Jews in Hitler’s Europe.
Abandonment of the Jews began with FDR
Jewish leaders, having an “audience” with FDR implored him, beseeched him to intervene in this unprecedented annihilation. They showed him graphic evidence of:
- Jews being herded into asphyxiating cattle cars on their way to concentration camps,
- Jewish infants and children being ripped from the arms of their parents,
- Jews clawing at the walls of gas chambers until their last gasping deaths.
(See the 1956 motion picture Night and Fog, in which Michel Bouquet narrates these and similar scenes. – Ed.)
But FDR did nothing! If any politician in the last thousand years has blood on his hands, Franklin Delano Roosevelt has.
And yet, leftist American Jews—to this day—celebrate his presidency.
Why the abandonment of the Jews – and why Jews refused to acknowledge it
Now we know why, thanks to a few honest historians, among them:
- Rafael Medoff who wrote:
- Lucy Dawidowicz who wrote The War Against the Jews: 1933-1945.
Why? Because to leftists like FDR and his toadying adherents, nothing on earth took precedence over actualizing their political agenda. Which was—and remains to this day—total government control over the immensely stupid masses, the deplorables, the people who don’t understand the imperative of handing over their destinies to the Regressive powers-that-be.
With friends like these, the Jews had no need of enemies!
Many of the Jews who survived the Holocaust and ended up in America had already been physically, mentally and emotionally destroyed. So they wanted desperately to be in the good graces of anyone who promised to protect them. A sentiment that savvy leftist politicians like FDR were quick to exploit.
Aiding and abetting Roosevelt—and every Democrat regime to this day—were the leftwing media. This same media covered for the socialist phony FDR, concealed his racism and camouflaged his anti-Semitism.

Today these media whores are doing the exact same thing in covering for the Obama-Biden regime that we now know are mobilizing their virulently anti-Semitic minions—including the Jew haters in Black Lives Matter and Antifa—to demonize Jews and Israel relentlessly and ruthlessly every day in every way.
A brief respite from the abandonment of the Jews after the War
After the Holocaust, American Jews still suffered from the vicious quotas that major universities like Harvard and Yale, and many other institutions of “higher” learning, imposed on them. So did the medical schools that wouldn’t accept them and law firms that wouldn’t hire them. This is why so many major medical institutions and powerful law practices in America were established by Jews. But for the most part florid anti-Semitism went underground. Because the growing awareness of Hitler’s genocide silenced even the most fanatical Jew haters.
(See, for instance, the motion pictures Crossfire and Gentleman’s Agreement, both from 1947. – Ed.)
Founding the first anti-hatred organizations
Even though Jews had arrived on America’s shores centuries ago— since colonial times—and loved and embraced the freedom that America promised, and contributed mightily to the betterment of our country, the metastatic virus of Jew Hatred followed them.
In response, Jewish community leaders established organizations to:
- Combat the hatred,
- Provide crucial and illuminating information to the uninformed, and
- Support political figures who enacted legislation against Jew haters and other racists.
Help is on the way – or is it?
Jewish advocacy organizations functioned with tremendous efficacy, many for over a century, before they were contaminated and compromised—starting in the 1960s—by leftist Jews who replaced Judaism with their new-found religion of “social justice.”
Moral relativism and PC – setting up another abandonment of the Jews
Today, most of those once-powerful organizations are wholly under the ownership and control of leftist billionaires. These new owners have a fetish for multiculturalism. And that includes the notion that Jews who build symphonies and medical centers in Israel are equal to “Palestinians” who strap homicide bombs onto their three-year-olds.
(Moral relativism appears here – a corrosive influence no people can tolerate. – Ed.)
They also subscribe to political correctness—the idea that organized anti-Semitic groups on college campuses throughout our country can express their hatred for Jews and Israel at will under the rubric of Free Speech, but that Jewish students who protest these assaults can be physically and verbally attacked with total impunity because of cowardly college presidents who are either anti-Semites themselves or have been handsomely paid-off by leftist moneybags or Arab money.
An instructive, and chilling, contemporary example
A particularly egregious case is that of college student Louis Shenker—chillingly documented by writer Victor Rosenthal—whose time spent at UMass made him the triple victim of the hate-conservatives/hate-Jews/hate-Trump students and its faculty which relentlessly harassed, tortured and expelled him on false grounds. Shenker’s lawyers are now asking for $27 million in penalties for the school’s violence against him.
Fake advocates facilitate the abandonment of the Jews
Dozens of Jewish organizations have prostituted themselves by throwing their lot into the leftist realm, foolishly believing, against a 5,000-year history, that they—and not the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob—will prevail in determining the future of Judaism. Because of space limitations, I can only mention a few.

The ADL, denying and yet helping the abandonment of the Jews
The Anti-Defamation League (ADL), founded in 1913, aggressively and successfully fulfilled its mission to “stop the defamation of the Jewish people” until 102 years after its founding, when in 2015, Jonathan Greenblatt became the ADL’s national director and CEO. Greenblatt worked for three far-left regimes antagonistic to Israel—the Clinton administration, the Obama fiasco, and the George Soros-funded far-left Aspen Institute. Now Mr. Greenblatt sounds deranged when he states that “only a small number” of the Black Lives Matter anarchy group don’t like Jews, when he knows full well that it is one of the most rabidly Jew- and Israel-loathing groups in the world!
The ADL is itself a defamation
According to Rabbi Aryeh Spero, president of the Conference of Jewish Affairs title,
…the ADL has made its focus the destruction of political conservatism and President Trump. Worse, under Mr. Greenblatt, it has betrayed its original mission of fighting anti-Semites by forging a new partnership with one of America’s most notorious anti-Semites, Al Sharpton…. He has made the ADL a defamation.
The ADL is not worth ten cents of any sane Jew’s contribution.
The Conference of Presidents
The Conference of Presidents of Major Jewish Organizations (CoP) dates from 1956.
It was, as writer Jonathan S. Tobin thoroughly documents, “the central address for American-Jewish political interests.” But today many of its 53-member groups are neither “major” nor “influential—let alone representative of American Jewry,” Tobin says.
In fact, in 2020, the CoP elected Dianne Lob, the former head of the Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society (HIAS), The purpose of this Jewish group was to facilitate absorption of immigrants and refugees. But its mission today is to help refugees from Muslim and other countries. According to the Zionist Organization of America (ZOA), Ms. Lob has also
collaborated with anti-Israel organizations like J Street and IfNotNow and supported noted anti-Semite Linda Sarsour.
The CoP is not worth ten cents of any sane Jew’s contribution.
AIPAC – completing the abandonment of the Jews by applauding an anti-Semitic POTUS
AIPAC (The American Israel Public Affairs Committee) came to be in 1951 to promote the alliance between the United States and Israel to the Senate and House of Representatives—the U.S. Congress.
For decades, AIPAC sponsored conferences in Washington, D.C. featuring prominent pro-Israel American politicians and other luminaries. I personally attended a couple of these conferences and took immense encouragement from AIPAC’s unwavering support for always-besieged Israel.
That ended the day I saw with my own eyes all the bigwigs at AIPAC give a standing ovation to the Oval Office occupant Barack Obama—who loathed Israel, spit in the face of Israel’s Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, and gave Israel’s mortal enemy Iran over a billion dollars in cash to make the nukes they promised every day—to this very day—would destroy Israel forever.
AIPAC is not worth ten cents of any sane Jew’s contribution.
The democrat party of Jew hate
Today, less than three months from a presidential election, the Democrat Party—long hailed as a stalwart friend of Israel and the Jewish people—has gone full-bore anti-Semitic.
All Congressional Democrats take their marching orders from Senate Minority Speaker Chuck Schumer and Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi. The latter has done the following:
- Thrown her full support behind “the squad” of outspoken Jew haters, Representatives:
- Ilhan Omar (D-Minn.),
- Rashida Tlaib (D-Mich.),
- Ayanna Pressley (D-Mass.), and
- Alexandria Ocasio-Cortex (D-N.Y.).
- Funneled $14,000 to Ilhan Omar’s campaign as well as endorsed both Omar and Tlaib against moderates running against them.
- Had not one word of objection when Ocasio-Cortez, the leader of the anti-Israel campaign, threatened to cut off military aid to Israel.

Democrats complete their own abandonment of the Jews in their very platform
As writers Jeff Ballabon and Bruce Abramsondescribe in repulsive detail, in “The Democrats Declare a Jew Ban,” Biden’s 2020 presidential platform treats
Jews and Israel as pariahs, uniquely worthy of discriminatory treatment. It makes a mockery of Israel as a sovereign state and an American ally. It directly aligns the Biden campaign—and the entire Party—with Israel’s mortal enemies.
The writers continue:
Outgoing Secretary of State Kerry announced that when Democrats were back in power they would punish Israel for its stubborn refusal to be bullied into suicidal positions “for the sake of peace.” Biden’s platform delivers on that threat.
Explaining Jewish political stupidity in light of the abandonment of the Jews
In a tour-de-force article in which she lists dozens of anti-Semitic actions taken by Democrat Party elected officials and supporters, writer Valerie Sobel spells out why a “resounding 72-74% majority of the 5.4-million American Jews have backed the Party since the sun has risen in the East.”
“We get it,” Sobel elaborates,
you’re for minority rights because you will forever identify as a minority. You’re forever for JFK even though his brand of liberalism is long gone and has actually morphed into modern conservatism. [And] you’re forever for FDR, even though it was the Republican Ronald Reagan who delivered approximately 3,000,000 Soviet Jews from bondage of anti-Semitic leftist oppression. The Democratic Party of the 1950s was the party of the underdog, and you’re forever the underdog, in your mind….
Time to recognize the abandonment of the Jews
Alluding to the upcoming vote in November, Sobel says that it’s not the 1950s anymore, and:
after the devastating failure of your Party to stand with Jews unequivocally against the rabid Nazi-era anti-Semitism of Democrat Congresswoman [Ihlan] Omar, you stand in the final hour of a critical decision, depleted of all excuses for your political loyalty. And you know it.
Yoo Hoo, Jewish Democrats, it is long overdue for you to wake up and smell the now-contaminated coffee. A vote for Joe Biden is a full-on endorsement of the poisonous Jew hatred that has commandeered the Democrat Party. Who has told you—meaning all Jews including left-wingers—that they:
- Hate you personally, and
- Hate Israel so much,
that they share the identical mission of the mullahs in Iran to literally exterminate the only Jewish state in existence.
Your choice.
Editor’s Note
See also the articles in this search result, by Joan Swirsky and other present and past contributors to CNAV. These articles also address Jew hate in America – and where it really resides.
Joan Swirsky is a New York-based journalist and author. Her website is and she can be reached at
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