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Independence Day – and a new war



248 years ago today, the Second Continental Congress published the most radical document the world had then seen. This was, of course, the Declaration of Independence – which is why we celebrate Independence Day on that particular anniversary. 198 years ago today, the author of that document, and one of his most staunch allies in that old Congress, died within hours – perhaps minutes – of one another. These men were, respectively, Thomas Jefferson and John Adams. Ironically, those two became bitter enemies at a crucial juncture in their careers, and the history of the country. But perhaps they never lost their high mutual respect. Sadly, too many have lost respect today – for those two men, for the country they helped found, and for the principles for which it once stood. Now America might have to fight another war for independence – hot or cold, will be the people’s choice.

Independence Day began in the middle of war

The Signers of the Declaration knew that they would have to pay a price, in blood and treasure, to make their declaration real.

And for the support of this Declaration, with a firm reliance on the protection of divine Providence, we mutually pledge to each other our Lives, our Fortunes and our sacred Honor.

Not until 1783 could America observe Independence Day without war on its own soil. Over the next centuries, America would have to observe Independence Day in the middle of war on its soil over two intervals: the War of 1812 and the War Between the States. (The other wars almost don’t count, for America fought those abroad. But World War II must have carried more urgency than most, given its beginning with a sneak attack on soil over which America did have a territorial claim.)

In 1996, a Hollywood filmmaker offered one other vision of Independence Day observed during war on American soil. This war had a salient difference (beyond being a war against an extraterrestrial nomadic fleet). This time, America would fight and win the final battle on Independence Day itself. (Viewers also saw a President of the United States leading the counterattack. That would have been the first time a President did this since President Washington led troops against the Whiskey Rebellion.)

Today America faces its first actual invasion since the War of 1812 (not counting Pearl Harbor, which was a raid). But this invasion does not come with mass armies. It is ideological, with the goal of subsuming the United States into a single government for all the world. And it would not be a government under which freedom lovers would care to live.


Nature of this ideology

The ostensible premises of this ideology are as many and varied as the proponents on any given day. (That is to day, those at whom any controlled-media “reporter” cares to wave a microphone.) Some blame the idea of independent polities for every war that has ever broken out. Abolish the independence of nation-states, and you will abolish war. So said the late Walter Cronkite, who spoke of the “bitter pill” he would have Americans swallow of surrendering independence.

Others specifically criticize the moral values, and some of the moral practices, of Americans. These values and practices have the goal of ensuring the continued propagation of humanity. Some opponents of these practices say they want the “moralists” to leave them alone. That would have been valid – had those same opponents left the rest of us alone. But at least some have avowed the real purpose: they think this Earth has too many people on it.

Elon Musk is running his own space program to expand the reach of human settlement beyond the Earth. He wants more room, and to make sure even a planetary-scale disaster could never wipe out humanity. Jeff Bezos says he wants to move dirty, smelly, carbon-emitting industry into high Earth orbit. He might also move significant portions of the population off Earth, to turn Earth into a nature park. But Larry (The) Fink of BlackRock, one of the Big Three Institutional Investors, told the truth. He wants Earth for himself and his chosen few relatives and associates.

Should America blame herself?

Not if one distinguishes the real America – people who just want others to leave them alone – from the legions of private bankers and armorers who pulled the levers of political power long before anyone heard of trading in such instruments as common or preferred stock, bonds, debentures, and so on. Alexander Hamilton famously tried to raise a Provisional Army during the 1798 crisis, when relations with Revolutionary France turned nasty. A financier by trade, he would have invented debt-based currency even earlier than the conspirators at Jekyll Island eventually did. And he would have marched his Provisional Army on the new Federal City, had not President Adams made peace.

Peace arguably cost John Adams the Presidency in 1800. We say arguably because this salient fact cannot escape notice: Thomas Jefferson did not go to war with France. Instead he bided his time, while the French Directoire fell to Napoleon’s coup. Eventually Jefferson bought the vast tract known as Louisiana. It cost America dearly in treasure – but not a drop of blood.


Eighteen years later, John Quincy Adams articulated America’s position: respectful of the independence of others.

She has abstained from interference in the concerns of others, even when conflict has been for principles to which she clings, as to the last vital drop that visits the heart. She has seen that probably for centuries to come, all the contests of that . . . European world, will be contests of inveterate power and emerging right. Wherever the standard of freedom and Independence has been or shall be unfurled, there will her heart, her benedictions and her prayers be. But she goes not abroad in search of monsters to destroy. She is the well-wisher to the freedom and independence of all. She is the champion and vindicator only of her own. She will commend the general cause by the countenance of her voice, and the benignant sympathy of her example. She well knows that by once enlisting under other banners than her own, were they even banners of foreign independence, would involve herself beyond the power of extrication, in all the wars of interest and intrigue, of individual avarice, envy, and ambition, which assume the colors and usurp the standard of freedom. The fundamental maxims of her policy would insensibly change from liberty to force. She might become the dictatress of the world. She would be no longer the ruler of her own spirit. America’s glory is not dominion, but liberty. Her march is the march of the mind. She has a spear and a shield: but the motto upon her shield is, Freedom, Independence, Peace. This has been Her Declaration: this has been . . . her practice.

If that sounds familiar to those who lived in the Sixties, it should. Executive Producer Gene Roddenberry incorporated that maxim into his first iteration of the franchise for which the world remembers him:

No officer or enlisted member of the Starfleet Armed Forces of the United Federation of Planets, shall interfere with the social, cultural, or technological development of any world that has not achieved at least a passing understanding of the concepts “space,” “other worlds,” or “advanced civilization,” or, on any world that does understand such concepts, violate local law or custom, or in any other manner interfere with social development on that world. General Order Number One, a/k/a the Prime Directive, paraphrase

Violation of this stricture

But of course that kind of stricture interferes with the profits of war. Or else it stops someone’s misguided ideas of social reform. In any event, the banker-armorer alliance surely knew they could never expect the American people to support overseas adventures. That is, unless they could convince the people that the rest of the world no longer respected American independence.

And so began a series of false-flag pseudo-operations – misrepresenting as enemy action, things they did themselves (if they weren’t accidents). The list of known or suspected false-flag pseudo-operations that have gotten Americans into wars abroad goes back to 1898. USS Maine ACR-1 blew up in Havana Harbor – the incident that provoked the Spanish-American War. Joseph Pulitzer, the “Prize-maker” and one of the two fathers of “yellow journalism” (the other was William Randolph Hearst, the inspiration for Orson Welles’ most famous character, Charles Foster “Citizen” Kane), published, in his New York World, a drawing of the Maine riding at anchor in Havana Harbor – with a tethered mine beneath her.

In fact, a fire in a paint locker spread to the Maine’s powder magazines and ignited them. Everyone in official Washington knew it was an accident. But Hearst and Pulitzer – perhaps the first two Useful Idiots of the Media – beat the war drums. Hearst’s angle was the Cuban War for Independence – which speaks directly to John Quincy Adams’ non-interference address! In any event, Congress declared war – and so ended the John Quincy Adams Doctrine.


World War One

But the Bankster-Armorer Alliance wouldn’t stop there. Of course, in 1910, the Banksters convened at Jekyll Island and drafted plans for the Federal Reserve System. Four years later came their next opportunity: the assassination of Archduke Franz Fernand. Within months all of Europe was at war – but America was still out of it. So how to drag her in?

First, by loading illicit cargoes of munitions on passenger ocean liners. Then came the sinking of RMS Lusitania in 1915. 128 of her ill-fated passengers were Americans – so surely that would raise enough outcry! It didn’t – so the Bankster-Armorer Alliance had to try something else. (Repeated dives to the wreck of Lusitania have so far not recovered any munitions. But in 1982 Her Majesty’s Government warned salvage divers to watch out for explosives in the wreck. They found none. But other ships probably did carry munitions.)

Next came the Zimmermann Note. Arthur Zimmermann, Germany’s equivalent to our Secretary of State, proposed a German-Mexican military alliance in the event of America joining the Alliance of Britain, France and Russia. Germany even proposed helping Mexico reclaim Texas, Arizona and New Mexico. British intelligence intercepted the Note (and apparently Zimmermann owned up to sending it). President Woodrow Wilson, letting his anger get the better of him, asked for – and got – a declaration of war. The rest is history. Perhaps no one bothered to read the intercept – that Germany would ally with Mexico if America got involved first.

World War Two, the Cold War, Korea, and Vietnam

American entry into World War Two could have been the result of statesmen’s blunders of relations with the Empire of Japan. And what delayed the Japanese Ambassador and Japanese Special Envoy in delivering their “ultimatum” to the American Secretary of State? No one knows (or will admit) – but Secretary of State Cordell Hull didn’t even receive those two until after Pearl Harbor had been under attack for an hour. He made his seething “no government on this planet” speech and curtly dismissed them. After that, the United States declared war on Japan. Adolf Hitler then declared war on the United States – and the United States declared war on Germany retroactively.

However that War began for America, it ended with Americans thoroughly determined to be the world’s policemen. One can imagine John Quincy Adams shouting, “NO! NO! NO!” to an unheeding public. The official position of something called Union of Soviet Socialist Republics – that they would not respect the independence of nations who did not adopt Communism – didn’t help. (It would help even less when Nikita S. Khrushchev took over after Stalin died.)


The new United Nations saw to the establishment of the State of Israel – and then to intervention in Korea. About ten years after that intervention began, French Indo-China revolted against their French overlords. But the victors promptly split into two countries called Vietnam – North (Communist) and South (Anti-communist). American involvement began with “advisers,” and escalated after the Gulf of Tonkin Incident.

Defeat – and the beginnings of an Independence Day spiritual renewal

That was the first war Americans lost – but not really Americans, but the Bankster-Armorer Alliance. The spectacle of U.S. forces tucking tail between their legs – and pulling out with frightened Vietnamese clinging to their helicopter skids (with some of them falling off) – thoroughly disenchanted the American public with any more thought of overseas adventure for several years. Jimmy Carter won the election, and America’s only reaction to the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan was to sit out the Moscow Olympics. Under the circumstances, that was the only philosophically proper response. That was also the year that some Americans began to question a few pre-war narratives of the past.

But Carter’s mismanagement of the American economy – plus the humiliation of the first occupied U.S. Embassy – cost him reelection. Ronald Reagan, taking command, was determined to “win” the Cold War between America and Soviet Russia. But not entirely by force of arms, except for the Grenada Incident. Rather, he waged an economic war, that America won because the Soviet command economy could never sustain an arms race. The Soviet Union would collapse in 1991.

But by then Reagan’s successor, the globalist “Bush Senior,” was in command. A succession of globalist Presidents – Clinton, Bush Junior, and Obama – continued to look for adventures abroad. The collapse of the Soviet Union should have removed any remaining excuses for that. But ill-natured people will always find an excuse.

The real Independence Day President: Donald J. Trump

Donald Trump is the exception, and everyone knows it. He ran on a platform promising an end to “endless wars.” From the day he took office to the day he hurried out with all the documentary evidence he could spirit out of the White House on a January morning, the United States of America did not enter into any new war. He made two grand gestures for genuine peace in the Middle East:

  • Ordering the American Ambassador to move from Tel Aviv to the Jerusalem consulate, thereby transforming it into an Embassy, and
  • The Abraham Accords.

Trump was well on his way to winning a second term. Then the new Globalist Alliance raised the stakes chillingly. They engineered the release of a virus with a reportedly high case-fatality rate. Perhaps they took advantage of the stories coming out of Wuhan, China, after the virus’ release. Those stories almost included meat wagons rolling down the streets with bullhorns blaring “Bring out your dead!” in Chinese. But that could have been reflective of relative lack of sanitation and overall baseline ill-health among the Chinese.

No matter. “If you don’t want to see the meat wagons rolling down YOUR street,” Dr. Anthony S. Fauci told Trump and the American public, “you’ll do as I say!” And what he said was to mask up and lock down. It gave the perfect excuse to tailor-make American elections for Democrats to win the only way they can: by fraud.

How they did it

And how did the Democrats do it? Democrats do not try to persuade. Aside from their constituencies, they cannot possibly shame enough voters to vote for a regime that will take everything they own, for the unearned, unpaid benefit of others. So they persuade – perhaps bribe – people to apply for absentee ballots through the mail. Then they hassle those people to turn them in – to them, signed but unvoted. Then they mark the ballots, and they seal them up and bring them to drop boxes. They also request absentee ballots in the names of the dead and the move-outs.

Or so they did in 2020. But in 2021 Steve Bannon popularized the Precinct Strategy to persuade more rank-and-file to join local Party committees, and to sign up to become accredited Party polling-place challengers, and Officers of Election. It worked in Virginia, which famously elected a Republican Governor, Lieutenant Governor, and Attorney General. That Governor has ordered General Registrars in all units (counties and independent cities) to sanitize their voter rolls. (The sudden retirement of half the OOE workforce in 2023 due to increasing age has opened up a fresh opportunity to repopulate those ranks with honest, diligent, and alert OOEs.)

This Independence Day, prepare to reclaim independence from globalists

So on this Independence Day, remember John Quincy Adams, who popularized the equivalent of a Prime Directive over a century before Gene Roddenberry would be more than a glimmer in someone else’s imagination. He, even more than George Washington, warned against overseas military adventure – exactly 203 years ago today. And remember Alexander Hamilton, who almost wrecked everything twenty-three years earlier. Fletcher Knebel and Charles Bailey should have written Seven Months in Seventeen Ninety-eight to cover that drama. Perhaps history should thank Aaron Burr for removing Hamilton from the planet, however ignoble his own motive might have been. (And Hamilton had no business accepting Burr’s challenge to a duel! He did it anyway, the more fool he.)

A manifesto for rediscovered American independence needs to set policy goals. Here are a few:

  • End the Federal Reserve, and fractional reserve banking.
  • Forbid Members of Congress to trade stocks – the one thing Reps. Matt Gaetz (R-Fla.) and Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-N.Y.) agree on!
  • End whatever advantage private armorers (“defense contractors”) seem to have over more peaceful manufacturers, in maintaining large factories in various Congressional districts.
  • Reinstate voting on paper – and counting them by hand at the precinct. And replace absentee voting with proxy voting.
  • Above all, withdraw from the United Nations, NATO, and other “treaty organizations.”

The only overseas action any Americans should think of taking, is testifying against globalist leaders – in national courts of competent jurisdiction. No more International Courts of Justice, or whatever!


Americans want to be left alone – and to leave others alone. Almost three centuries ago a group of Frenchmen calling themselves the Physiocrats expressed the idea pithily:

Laissez faire et laissez passer! Que le monde va de lui-même!

Or in English: “Let do and let pass! Let the world go on by itself!” That maxim applies equally to statecraft as to macro-economics, and is just as wise. Only power-mad tyrants could oppose it with any semblance of moral consistency. This Independence Day, let Americans stand as Virginians like to pretend they stand: Thus always to tyrants!

Terry A. Hurlbut
+ posts

Terry A. Hurlbut has been a student of politics, philosophy, and science for more than 35 years. He is a graduate of Yale College and has served as a physician-level laboratory administrator in a 250-bed community hospital. He also is a serious student of the Bible, is conversant in its two primary original languages, and has followed the creation-science movement closely since 1993.

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