Man is tottering on an abyss. Violence punctuates daily life in a world increasingly portrayed as meaningless. We are strangers, not only to each other but...
The philosophical basis of the “two-state solution” concerning Israel and the Palestinian Authority is the doctrine of moral relativism translated into moral equivalency. We see this...
Are you happy with the present mode of nominating the President of the United States? Can you think of a better way? To answer this question,...
Israel needs, more than anything else, an authentically Jewish foreign policy. To get that, she needs an authentically Jewish Prime Minister.
Let us contrast some results of the New Hampshire Primary of this year with a study made in 1979 reported by the eminent Prof. Samuel Huntington.
In Demophrenia: Israel and the Malaise of Democracy, published in 1994, I first described the democratic syndrome that afflicts Israel.
Many Israelis, including academics with a degree in political science, believe that such is the smallness of their country, both in population and area, that multi-district...
Various Jews in Israel, especially those committed to Jewish law and the restoration of he Jewish people’s title to Judea and Samaria, are being deprived of...
Academics, for many years, have foisted on foreign policy makers the doctrine of “conflict resolution.” What makes these academics believe that conflicts between liberal democracies and...
Ross Douthat calls the rise of Donald Trump as a “Revolt against Decadence”; the decadence magnified by post-American President Barack Obama (Jerusalem Post, February 3, 2016).