Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu of Israel yesterday gave the speech everyone was waiting for. The Netanyahu speech to the UN probably relieved some hearers, and certainly...
The New Jersey Tea Party Caucus will host its first annual God and Country Conference this Saturday in East Windsor, NJ. Caucus leaders say they want...
Barack Obama has a new flag: the Obama Rainbow Flag. Like the earlier Obama face flag, it is a travesty of the American flag. But this...
Biologist Deborah Gordon and computer scientist Balaji Prabhakar of Stanford University found harvester ants use a system to control the rate of sending out ant foragers...
Dear Servant of God: I am writing to you as a member of the Tea Party – and I am NOT a racist. Years ago it...
Are you a Pilgrim or a Puritan? Pilgrims and Puritans came from the same place but traveled different roads. Both roads led to the same place,...
Chick-fil-A Appreciation Day took place yesterday. Former Governor Mike Huckabee (R-AR) called for it last week. Today he said that it succeeded “beyond anything I could...
Astronomers at last looked hard for dark matter in our own Galaxy. Surprise! They didn’t find it. Every current theory says that the Milky Way should...
The Ark Encounter project bought the last land tract it needs for its project. But the company will build the 800-acre park in phases, not all...
On Creation Day 6, God made the land animals. This included one class of creature usually lost in translation: the dinosaur.