Over two decades ago I wrote a fable I entitled “The Jewel, the Caterpillar and the Well.” I wrote it to describe the frustration of how...
Today most Americans will acknowledge that this is a Christian nation – or a nation founded on Christian principles. These have accepted the national philosophy that...
Last month (November 22), Dr. Orly Taitz released a statement few believed at the time. She said Barack Obama never actually issued or signed any executive...
In 2014, it has become hard for those who understand what has happened to America to deny that everything we are and everything we stand for...
With the advent and growth of the internet, combined with the self inflicted demise and collapse of any credibility of the national and international “professional” news outlets, new...
Now they tell us! Democrats all over the country, but especially from the East Coast and the South, now say the obvious. They have the wrong...
Once again this week finds America stewing in disgust, as we have almost every week for the past 6 years, as that illegal squatter continues to...
It does America no good to complain and to go about cursing the darkness. It is time for the American people to light a candle...
CNAV has exposed voter fraud by stand-in (the Texas Voter ID Law should check this) and voter fraud in the voting machine. Now James O’Keefe exposes...
This fall, the Texas Voter ID law will take full force and effect. The Supreme Court voted, six to two, not to stop it. The usual...