At about midnight last night, the government announced the latest in a series of cynical ploys. They delayed the period for open enrollment in Obamacare from...
The site is one of the worst technical disasters in the history of computers and their networks. The White House knew it would be a...
News of Barack Obama’s big lie (“if you like your plan you can keep it”) has filled the airwaves, video streams, and e-mail lists for weeks....
Wall Street, by some accounts, is already handicapping the 2016 Presidential race. As long as Republicans nominate Chris Christie, and Democrats nominate Hillary Clinton, Wall Street...
This afternoon, shortly after noon Eastern time, de facto President Barack Obama made a speech. He said, in effect, “All right all right, you’ll get to...
An Obamacare collapse had to happen. Socialist systems always collapse under their own weight. (Witness the old Soviet Union.) But no one would have taken any...
It appears that the Divider N Chief, the Usurper, the forger and the liar posing as an American President is very soon to be discovered and...
Last night Barack Obama did the last thing anyone expected. He actually said he was sorry about the worse consequence of “Obamacare” so far. (Hat tips:...
As New Jersey became the 14th state in the Union to license gay marriage, I am left wondering why and what is next. Will this judicial...
It is often said that a picture paints a thousand words. Can anyone tell me what this picture of Kathleen Sebelius is saying? To be more...