The Democrats tipped their hand after Ruth Bader Ginsburg died. They are enemies of the Constitution and are totally untrustworthy.
Governor Kristi Noem of South Dakota explains why she never locked her State down: because no governor has the authority so to act.
At least two federal district judges have declared State SARS-CoV-2 lockdown orders unconstitutional infringements on liberty.
The President started a crackdown on the civil disorder in Portland, Oregon. If the Constitution does not allow this, what happens instead?
The thin blue line is a hard reality, and all that stands between ordered liberty and the tyranny that a globalist elite wants to establish.
Crowd mentality knows neither rhyme nor reason. It now threatens to collapse Western civilization over a police killing that deserves investigation.
Monument Avenue in Richmond, Virginia will now become a casualty of an attempt to make revolution by demonstrating how quickly law can change.
As summer stops the spread of SARS-CoV-2, the conditioning toward the new normal begins. And it is neither normal nor necessary.
The American people have let fear of a virus trounce the Constitution at all levels, Federal and State. They should never have let this happen.
Memphis, Tennessee prepared for a devastating death toll that didn't happen, though other bad effects did. This was all about control.