Donald Trump hired Elon Musk and Vivek Ramaswamy to look into downsizing government to starve the debt beast.
State governments across the USA have $811 billion in debt that exceeds their assets, mainly from unfunded pension liabilities.
Americans are a dispirited people, and they have the office holders they elect, to blame. But sooner or later dispirited people get angry.
Now the Republican Presidential candidates begin crawling out from the progressive shadows and into the Conservative sunlight. If our country were not in such dire straights,...
Conservative Republicans were appalled when Speaker of the House John Boehner and his crew of RINOs passed a budget that provided Barack Obama with all the...
The National Debt Let’s run some numbers.
So, Mr. Obama, how are you doing? Here’s a list of things happened and happening on your watch:
If there were any doubts that one of America’s perceived conservative leaders of the future, is nothing more than just another spineless “go along to get...
For those who have been paying attention, the DOW has had over 50 new highs this year. Sounds great, right?
Representative John Boehner (R-Ohio), Speaker of the House of Representatives, does not like conservatives any more, if he ever did. “Ridiculous!” he cries. Meaning, people should...