Saying that many enemies of America (both foreign and domestic) fall into the categories of delusional or demonic may seem like an extreme statement, however, the...
“I am rough, boisterous, stormy and altogether warlike. I am born to fight against innumerable monsters and devils. I must remove stumps and stones, cut away...
In light of the horrific shootings in schools and other places advertised as “Gun Free Zones” some hard questions need to be asked. These questions, as...
The summer season of Chautauqua is long over, and the “scholarly” vacationers have returned to their winter existence. For staff and speakers, it is a respite,...
Silence can be deadly. When lives are threatened, and those in a position to help refuse to speak out, they become a link to the tragic...
Over the last two decades Americans have become increasingly aware of the nation’s decline. It has taken many forms, including a public school system that was...
Have you ever wondered how the heart and soul of America has morphed into something barely recognizable in such a short period of time? Or perhaps...
Despite 9/11, world-wide Muslim terrorism, and the serial bungling of the self-professed Muslim President Barack Obama, it was reported on September 11, 2016 that 60 percent...
Schools in Tennessee are attempting to force students to declare Allah to be the supreme god. Maury County parents are expressing their outrage against a textbook’s...
“The reasonable man adapts himself to the world; the unreasonable one persists in trying to adapt the world to himself. Therefore all progress depends on the...