Without free and fair elections, a republic cannot stand. The Democrats are stealing this election, and freedom lovers must not let them.
To those wishing Republicans would concede and move on from this election, Rep. AOC (D-N.Y.) made that impossible by threatening our lives.
Election night ended with no clear winner and many allegations of fraud. But that a senile socialist should come close to winning, should depress everyone.
The Democrats have the best mascot they could have, for it illustrates their platform and behavior: asinine. The only way to stop it is with your...
The Democrat National Convention wrapped recently. It offered a rancid smorgasbord of tired talking points, some of which were lies.
Socialism has at least six degrees, half of which don't meet the strict conventional definition. But we all must recognize these quantum steps to avoid it.
Barack Obama failed the country and brought radical Islam to the top. Biden and Harris would do the same. Choose freedom instead.
The two kinds of people in this world are builders and destroyers. At election time, each voter must decide what he is and whom he wants.
Is Jill Biden derelict in her duty to take care of her husband? Why does she permit people to put him on stage when he cannot...
Michael Bloomberg has always been too rich to ignore. But his policies continue those of Barack Obama, and are typical of those of Democrats.