Enough pontificating, if those quoted by the media are truly serious regarding Obama’s abuse of power and ending the unconstitutional behavior of this run-a-way administration, set...
Anyone, left, right or middle, extreme or moderate, who is able to exhibit even a minuscule amount of honesty, would be very hard pressed to deny...
Over the last hundred years Americans have seen the socialist/communist/Marxist agenda go from something to despise and fear to something many believe compassionate and desirable. Should...
Let me make the songs of a nation and I care not who makes its laws. – Plato quoted by Grout, Donald J. A History...
There is no way, with my limited service as a draftee during the Viet Nam era, that I can even begin to compare my time in...
We’ve been at war now continuously since I was born, fifty-six years ago, and having served two decades active in the Corps, I still don’t have...
Last Sunday (19 January 2014) was Right to Life Sunday. This saw a multitude of sermons from pulpits nationwide. The rights and wrongs of Roe v....
Across this nation there are streets, blocks, neighborhoods and cites which exist in various gradients of contrasting security and danger. It has been pointed out by...
A nation of well-informed men who have been taught to know and prize the RIGHTS which God has given them cannot be enslaved. It is...
Late this morning, de facto President Barack Obama spoke for nearly forty-five minutes about the NSA surveillance program. He said he would reform it to balance...