On April 21, 2014, the Islamic terrorist extremist organization Boko Haram kidnapped 234 young Christian girls from their school in Chibok, Nigeria. In response, First Lady...
Did you hear about the dictator who was asked by one of his subordinates, “How do we get the people to believe our lies?” The dictator...
There is an old saying that birds of a feather flock together. In the administration of Barack Obama that saying proves to be true. The Marxist/Weatherman...
Did Minneapolis’s democrat Mayor Betsy Hodges not get it? This was no game, not dress-up playtime or Carnival. Then I wondered if she ever found occasion...
Today the Israel Antiquities Authority, and members of the Jerusalem Police, announced a major “bust” the police made on Friday. The police captured two grave thieves,...
Mark Twain said, Travel is fatal to prejudice, bigotry, and narrow-mindedness… But not for Rick Steves.
So, Mr. Obama, how are you doing? Here’s a list of things happened and happening on your watch:
The Adult Catholic Education program, held recently at a local Catholic parish hall, was entitled, “Under Abraham’s Tent: Jews, Christians, and Muslims in the World Today.” ...
If the question “what difference does it make?” is referring to the Sept. 11th attack in Benghazi – the answer is “plenty!”
There is no way, with my limited service as a draftee during the Viet Nam era, that I can even begin to compare my time in...