A jury has just convicted Kermit Gosnell, MD, the infamous Philadelphia abortionist, of murder in the first degree on three counts. Each of these counts involves...
I intended to write about the ghoulish Dr. Kermit Gosnell. (Who, by the way, waits for a jury to come in.) But then the reality set...
Concerning honoring the office of President, Theodore Roosevelt had this to say: Patriotism means to stand by the country. It does not mean to stand by...
The greatest barrier standing in the way of passage of universal school choice legislation, which is solidly based on the foundation of liberty and free enterprise,...
Is it too late for our country? The dust has long since settled regarding this past Presidential election which has embittered, disappointed and jaundiced many of...
Traitors can come from a myriad of places – but none are more effective than those foxes that have been entrusted to watch the henhouse. We can...
I do not know how many of you have been following the Obama administration’s systematic removal of religion, primarily Christianity, from the military but it is...
In my last article I stated the NJGOP is the only state Republican Party in the Union that has not adopted the Republican National Committee Platform....
Kermit Gosnell, MD, is today’s poster boy for abortion. Wanted poster, that is. Wanted for practicing his trade in the foulest way anyone can remember seeing....
In 1951, the movie Royal Wedding was released, starring Fred Astaire and Jane Powell. One of the catchy tunes in the movie was a song entitled:...