Gold, silver, and oil gained back what they lost yesterday. Even the experts realized that this is not the time to sell.
Gold and silver sold off again, after many large investors moved to bonds. But the time might soon come to buy.
The Obama administration desperately wants a raise in the debt ceiling. But its warnings of what will happen if Congress does not raise it are filled...
Ron Paul, the gadfly of the GOP in Congress, wants to be President. But the Tea Party might be split on whether they like him.
Petrodollars served America’s governments well for more than 25 years, until other governments—and madmen—saw chances to rebel or conquer the world.
Gold might once again become the standard of value for the US dollar. Only that can stop the dollar from becoming worthless.
As Congress dithers on whether to raise the debt ceiling, Republicans are demanding deeper cuts as their price for raising it—or so they say. Meanwhile, no...
Gold, silver, oil, natural gas, and other commodity futures slid further yesterday and will slide more, but only for another few days. Then those of us...
The recent slide in the prices of gold and silver is not a sign of weakness in those commodities, but a technical event that creates what...
Conventional discussion about the prices of gold, silver, copper, and other commodities tends to treat the investment in each as a speculative game, or even a...