The title of this article is identical to that used in an article written by Jerusalem Post analyst Caroline Glick on June 21, 2005, the month before...
In September 2006, I published an article on the July 2006 Israel-Hezbollah War in Lebanon. (It was also called the “July War.”) I am resurrecting this article...
In view of the threat from Iran and the upsurge of Arab attacks on Jews in Israel, attacks for which the Palestinian Authority is responsible, the...
“Mankind must put an end to war before war puts an end to mankind.” John F. Kennedy Ever since I can remember, there has been war...
Most people, including me, know that Megyn Kelly is not only gorgeous, but also smart, sassy, incisive in her interviews, and also genuinely funny. But the...
It is true that a very strong argument can be made that the 14th Amendment is the most powerful tool in the battle to support the 2nd...
Pundits on both sides of the Anchor Baby dispute speak authoritatively on the issue but vehemently disagree. This leaves many confused about which way the constitutional...
Herewith a case study in democratic despotism. The date: April 21, 2004, 16 months before the Judenrein in Gaza
Certainly you read about the six-year-old from Colorado Springs who got suspended from school for sexual harassment, specifically for kissing his little classmate on the hand....
There are those who believe I am a whacko, right wing, uber-conservative Christian. Well, I wear that label with pride because it means I actually know,...