Have Israeli Prime Ministers succumbed to taquiyya? In a recent article, I pointed out that the Islamic art of taqiyya, of deceit and dissimulation, attains perfection when its...
Last week, a senior Planned Parenthood medical officer fell to a “sting” about trafficking in intact tissue from abortion. The head of Planned Parenthood moved quickly...
Barack Obama, the President of United States, cannot speak truthfully about Islam and Islamic terrorists. As a self-professed Muslim who exalts Islam, Barack Obama’s mind has...
While the media was totally absorbed in Donald Trump and his attacks against Republicans, the evil progressive, secular humanist movement was continuing its racially biased attack...
The mainstream media are railroading Donald Trump. The dust-up on what he thinks of John McCain gives the latest self-serving example. And Frank Luntz brings shame...
Nicolai Sennels, Danish psychologist, contends that Muslim violence and rape, Muslim rage, aggression and irresponsibility, stem from Muslim beliefs, Islamic beliefs.
The rocket probe New Horizons sent back more pictures from the Pluto system. On Friday (17 July 2015) NASA released some of them. Among them: a...
The recent angst over the Confederate Battle Flag and its supposed symbolism should anger every black man and woman in the country who claim ancestry from...
“History repeats itself, and that’s one thing wrong with history. Or right with history!”
Earlier this week the world saw a side of Planned Parenthood it didn’t like. The Center for Medical Progress sent a team, posing as human organ...